Remember the first time your application for permanent residence in Singapore was approved? It was undoubtedly a mixture of gratitude and relief that you must have felt. All your days of trying for one have now paid off, allowing you to live in, work in, enter, and exit the country with freedom.
Having a permanent residence plus a Re-Entry Permit (REP) is an incredibly gratifying thing if you are in the Lion City of Southeast Asia. However, although permanent residency lasts for the rest of your life, your re-entry permit will expire at least once every five years, if not more frequently.
Thus, renewing the Re-Entry Permit before its expiry is advisable. If you are confused and not sure how to get about it, you can relax; there’s no need to fret; we’ve compiled all the information you need to know to renew your PR.
What Is A Re-Entry Permit In Singapore?
The Singapore PR Re-entry Permit is a visa that permits Singapore PRs to maintain their residency status when they leave the country or remain abroad for a job, business trip, study, or other purposes.
Holding a valid REP is not technically necessary if you do not travel. However, you should be ready for your REP renewal application to be rejected if you do not do so. So, even if you do not frequently travel, keeping your REP valid for as long as possible is always preferable.
Remember that Singapore permanent residents will lose their permanent residency status if they leave Singapore or stay abroad without a valid REP.
When Should I Renew My Re-Entry Permit?
You will receive a letter from the Immigration Checkpoints Authority (ICA) just before your Singapore PR status expires. It is ideal to respond to this letter right away.
Applicants must submit their applications online to ICA using the Electronic Re-Entry Permit System (e-REP) at least three months before the REP’s expiry date, provided that the REP is still valid.
On the other hand, you can submit your application through the closest Singapore Overseas Mission if you do not have a Singpass account at least two months before your current re-entry permit expires.
What Are The Criteria And Qualifications For Renewing A PR?
When renewing your REP, Singapore Immigration will take the following into account:
- Is the applicant still making contributions to Singapore?
- Does the SPR holder have a job when the application is submitted?
- How long has the applicant been gainfully employed for the last five years?
- Does the applicant have relatives living in Singapore?
- For retired PR holders, past contributions to Singapore, as well as family, will be taken into consideration.
The documents that must be submitted to renew your REP are provided below. Make sure to provide both the original and a copy.
- A valid passport.
- Singapore Blue Identity Card (UIN).
- Current re-entry permit.
- Income Tax Statements.
- Complete Application Form 6 (which may be downloaded from the ICA website). Include your spouse’s UIN if relevant.
- Parents’ ID cards and birth certificates are required if the candidate is younger than 21.
- If applicable, provide proof of employment, including company name, address, position held, and monthly remuneration.
- Highest academic degree obtained and, if applicable, the nation where it was earned.
You must submit any of the necessary supporting documents stated below if you are working in Singapore:
- Notice of Assessment for Singapore income tax for the previous year.
- An account of your CPF contributions throughout the previous year.
- A letter from your Singaporean employer outlining your position within the organisation, your monthly income, and starting date of your employment. The letter must be written to the Controller of Immigration and cannot be more than one month old.
You must provide supporting documentation if you are a Singaporean entrepreneur, company partner, or self-employed:
- Your business registration certificate from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
- Notice of Assessment for Singapore income tax for the previous year.
Unless specifically instructed by ICA, you are not required to submit documents other than those listed above.
What Are The Fees For PR Renewable In Singapore?
The renewal of a re-entry permit is subject to a processing fee. For each year or portion thereof that your approved re-entry permit is in effect, a cost of S$10 is due. Each issued REP is subject to a separate cost.
If you submit an online application, you must pay the fee within 14 days of the approval date to avoid having your application rejected.
The Re-Entry Permit fee may be paid using:
- Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card,
- American Express (AMEX) credit card,
- Internet direct debit (SCB, DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB internet banking accounts); and
- PayNow.
Payment for applications submitted in person at ICA may be paid using:
- Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card; and
- Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, or other mobile payment methods
How Long Is The Renewal Process?
Re-Entry Permit applications (REP) typically take one week to process (excluding the day of submission). However, please be aware that processing time for some applications may be longer.
The outcome will be provided on the REP e-service and also sent to your email address.
A Re-Entry Permit’s Validity Period
Re-entry permits are typically renewed by the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority for a duration of five years. This is contingent on their verifying your Singaporean residency and considering your contributions to the nation.
Therefore, there is a chance that it could be rejected or renewed for a lesser duration.
What If My Renewal Request Is Denied?
You can personally appeal at the ICA office if your REP renewal is denied. However, before visiting the office, don’t forget to make an online appointment.
What Happens If I Get A New Travel Document?
If you are a PR and hold a valid Re-Entry Permit (REP), you must transfer your REP to the new travel document.
By using the e-Service, you can transfer your REP online. The transfer of REP to a new travel document is free of charge. You can print your REP for your records when you’ve successfully transferred it. When travelling, it is advisable to have the printout with you.
The average turnaround time is three business days (excluding the day of submission). The processing of some applications might take longer.
There are lots of people who dream of becoming permanent residents of Singapore. Indeed, it is something rewarding and also comes with a Re-Entry Permit.
The Re-Entry Permit will help you maintain your PR status in Singapore, and you should keep renewing it to receive its full benefits.
Every benefit comes with obligations. So supposing ICA grants your Singapore PR status or your REP was successfully extended, you should remember to keep contributing to the Singapore community and being a responsible resident.
If you have any questions or need help renewing your PR, you can contact a reliable immigration agency to address all your queries.